499 Coach Light Lane, Hazelwood, MO. exterior photo

499 Coach Light Lane, Hazelwood, MO. exterior photo 2

This warehouse on Hall Street in Saint Louis, Mo. belongs to Salem Steel NA, LLC out of New Jersey. This image was taken by J.O. Booker Commercial Photography.

499 Coach Light Lane, Hazelwood, MO. exterior photo
Real Estate Photography is my specialty and whether you are selling or leasing a commercial building or a home, a great photo image taken by a professional photographer is the most effective way to sell your property.
I've taken beautiful pictures for realtors and developers throughout Saint Louis, Mo. who have referred me to others. I offer the most affordable photo service in the area and the best quality service as well. I charge a flat fee for 15-30 interior/exterior images of any size property within 20 miles of the city. This low-cost fee includes the following:
Delivery of pics within 24-48 hours of completing the job
Image processing with the latest editing software (Adobe CS6)
Delivery in high-resolution jpeg through DropBox, WeTransfer, USPS First Class mail, or hand delivered on a disc or flash drive.
Fast service and customer satisfaction are my top priority. And If you are not completely 100% satisfied with the images of your property, I will not accept payment from the job. In other words, once I accept the job, I do not ask for a deposit so there is absolutely no upfront risk on your part. So call today, and take a look at the photos in the gallery on this page to see what I've done for other realtors and what I can do for you as well. Thank You!